What is Coworking Space

With the development of the times and science of information technology, making the development & growth of entrepreneurs in Indonesia is increasing. Nothing wrong if the growth of entrepreneur also makes Startup growth rate in Indonesia has increased. Automatically, a commonplace workplace trend aka the space together with the current called Coworking Space finally also increasingly mushroomed & known by many people.

What is Coworking Space (Shared Space)?
What is Coworking Space? Understanding Coworking Space (shared space) is a place where individuals who have a working or business background work in a place. The origin of the definition of coworking space itself is derived from the word 'Coworking' which can be interpreted cooperation or collaborate.

Because Coworking Space design that carries the concept of open space or transparency, making every individual in the coworking space can be more active interact. A co working space also usually has an atmosphere that supports the spirit & work productivity. Especially if you are a startup founder who just made a start up, definitely need a place that fits & just to coordinate with a team that usually consists of a few.

Coworking Space is not just for startup founders only. But coworking space can be right for someone who has an individual digital business to professional freelancers who need a place to work outdoors but not 'like' the office.

The Origin of Coworking Space
After knowing the meaning of what it is coworking space, not complete if we do not know how the origin or history of the development of coworking space, both in the world and in Indonesia. In short the history of coworking space in the world first stands is Schraubenfabrik, a coworking space in Vienna, Austria, founded by Stefan Leitner-Sidl and Michael Pöll in 2002. Therefore, Schraubenfabrik is also called Mother of Coworking Space.

In Indonesia, according to some sources, coworking space in Indonesia was first present in the city of Bandung around 2010. Bandung is often the birthplace of innovations - unique & very interesting innovations. Afterwards, this shared concept working space mushroomed in other major cities of Indonesia. Coworking space also attracted the attention of startup founders to freelancers.

Why work in Coworking Space can be a collaboration & cooperation?
As appropriate meaning & defisini what is Coworking Space above. Because basically coworking space is known to have the concept of open space and transparent, making the individuals in it can interact and do not close the possibility to form a networking to become a partnership in the future.

Not only networking fellow founder startup is obtained, but you can also have the opportunity netwoking up to the Venture Capital. Certainly, there are many more keutungan that you may not know as a startup founder if working in Coworking Space than working in buildings / office buildings.

Example Coworking Space in Indonesia
example coworking space in Indonesia are :

  • Work@ , located on Jl. Tubagus Ismail XV, Bandung
  • Sakala , located on Grand Galaxy, Bekasi
  • Ruangreka , located on Jl. Raden Patah, Bandung
  • EV Hive , located Jl. Kyai Maja, Jakarta
  • Ekologi Coffee & Coworking Space, located on Jl. Pandean Sari, Yogyakarta


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